What is a Preferred Return?
Preferred Return as defined in Real estate syndications
Limitless: Book Summary
Jim Kwik is the world’s #1 Brain coach and has worked closely with successful men and women who are at the top in their fields as actors, athletes, CEOs, and business leaders from all walks of life to unlock their true potential. His Super Reading course is designed...
Radical Candor: Book Summary
Radical Candor is an exceptional book on management by Kim Scott
Structuring Debt and Raising Equity: Book Summary
Rob Beardsley is Managing Partner of Lone Star Capital. With his team, they have acquired over $300M in Multifamily properties across Texas. I have the pleasure of knowing Rob personally, and Lone Star has given me the opportunity to partner with them on several deals...
12 Must-Know Items to Ask When Buying Apartments
Investors are chasing different asset classes for a healthier return, but it is important to understand some key elements of Multifamily real estate before jumping in. [divi_switch_layout id="1311"] Here are 12 items you MUST KNOW before purchasing an apartment...
8 Best Strategies To Defer Capital Gains Tax
Taxes on real estate profits can be deferred or even avoided if you prepare correctly ahead of a sale. Having regular conversations with your financial advisor and CPA about the 8 best strategies to defer or avoid capital gains taxes will help guide you in your...
25 Of The Best Ray Dalio Quotes On Life, Success & Investing
“Principles are what allow you to live a life consistent with those values. Principles connect your values to your actions.”ray dalio [divi_switch_layout id="1311"] “To make money in the markets, you have to think independently and be humble.”ray dalio “When you think...
Real Estate vs. 401k and IRA Investing: Which is Best?
In the intricate realm of personal finance, few debates resonate as profoundly as the clash between 401(k) plans and real estate investments. The stakes are high, with each contender vying for supremacy in the realm of retirement planning and financial freedom. This...
How Can I Retire With $300k
When planning for retirement late in working years, there are two primary focus areas that this blog will focus on: ✅INCOME ✅EXPENSES Most of my generation will rely on income sources other than Social Security benefits for retirement. Certified Financial Planners...
Top 20 Quotes on Passive Income for Sales Professionals
If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you dieWarren Buffett [divi_switch_layout id="1311"] You become financially free when your passive income exceeds your expenses.T. Harv Eker Earn with your mind, not your time. Naval Ravikant...
Take the first step toward passive investment in multifamily real estate